Debunking common myths about video telematics

Drivers are at the heart of fleet operations. Everything they do impacts the business in a direct way. How safely they drive is the most impactful. Making safe driving a company culture can be hard, but it is worth the effort.

Any technology trend has its own share of detractors and naysayers. When Cloud Computing made waves, it faced zealous opposition from some quarters, which was mostly based on vague and unsubstantiated theories.Myths and misinformation become the root cause for a lot of opposition to most technological innovations.Video Telematics has not been a stranger to this! Video Telematics technology has been transforming industries and businesses for years, and yet many fleet owners miss out, still clinging to myths about this technology. Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, these misconceptions can still act as a barrier to the adoption of video telematics technology, holding businesses back from achieving their true potential.Some fleets believe that video telematics is only suitable for large fleets, while others believe that it is overly invasive and compromise employee privacy. In reality, video telematics is a valuable tool for fleets of all sizes as it can reduce costs, improve safety and increase driver engagement.We have compiled a list of the top 6 video telematics myths and debunked each of them with real-world applications of the technology. We hope that this information will help to address any remaining objections and convince fleet owners of the many benefits of telematics.

Unveiling the Truth: Myths and Realities of Video Telematics SolutionsVideo telematics solutions are becoming increasingly popular as they protect fleets and provide unparalleled visibility into their operations. However, like many new technologies, video telematics solutions are often surrounded by misconceptions preventing businesses from realizing their benefits. In this blog, we will debunk some of these myths and shed light on the benefits of video telematics solutions for businesses.

Myth #1: Video Telematics Solutions are too Expensive

One of the most common myths surrounding video telematics solutions is that they are too expensive for businesses to implement. This used to be the case a few years back – but now, fleets have many options. There are solutions across the price spectrum – the entry-level solutions are basic video recorders, with the next range of solutions having edge AI for in-cabin coaching and the high-end solutions catering to large fleets have workflows that make it easier to derive benefits.In any case, the return on investment for video telematics is very clear. Having video evidence in the case of disputes like a road accident can save fleets millions, in addition to saving time and business reputation.With improved safety from driver coaching (in-cabin and in-person), fleets will benefit from reduced costs related to insurance, fuel consumption, maintenance, etc.

Myth #2: Video Telematics Solutions are Too Complex to Use

Another common myth surrounding video telematics solutions is that they are too complex and take up way too much time. However, modern video telematics solutions are designed to be user-friendly and easy to use. With intuitive dashboards, notifications and easy-to-use workflows, businesses can easily address any issues and derive benefits. Additionally, many video telematics solutions offer mobile applications which allow businesses to stay on top of things even on the go.

Myth #3: Video Telematics Solutions is an Invasion of Privacy

Some people believe that video telematics solutions are an invasion of privacy because of the driver-facing camera and it can be used to monitor drivers outside of work hours. However, this is a myth. Video telematics solutions are designed to monitor and manage vehicles and drivers during work hours only. The driver-facing camera is meant for the driver’s safety – with long working hours and the monotony of driving, distraction and fatigue are real problems. By alerting the driver in real time, this technology helps ensure driver safety. Coaching based on these insights further improves fleet safety and reduces accidents. There can further be an option of having driver alerts for distraction and fatigue without recording the video. Like most technology trends, over time, as more drivers realize that the benefits of having video (incl. driver-facing camera) outweigh any concerns, this will cease to be a factor going forward.

Myth #4: Video Telematics can Increase My Insurance Costs

Insurance rates are indeed a significant portion of fleet management expenses, and accident rates are a major factor in determining those rates. However, video telematics solutions can help address the underlying safety issues that contribute to higher accident rates, resulting in lower insurance premiums.With real-time monitoring and the ability to conduct driver training programs, video telematics solutions can help improve driver behavior and ultimately reduce the risk of accidents. Video evidence can help protect the fleet and the driver against false accusations and wrongful exaggerations. In fact, it is highly likely that not having video telematics in the future is going to adversely affect insurance costs.

Myth #5: Video Telematics can be Used to Fire Drivers

Video telematics is not a punitive technology – it is a safety technology meant to promote a culture of safety in fleets. Used right, video telematics can improve driver engagement. It can be used to onboard rookie drivers and provide them with the assistance they need. Safe drivers get the recognition they deserve. Drivers with risky habits are provided personalized feedback to reduce risk and become safer – improved drivers can also be recognized for doing better.No business wants to fire drivers – they want more drivers to support a fast-growing business. Drivers form the backbone of fleet operations. It is in the fleet’s interest to have a steady driver workforce and not have a lot of churns. Fleets invest in the video so that they provide drivers with the latest tech and help them stay safe – benefitting them and the business. Video telematics is a positive reinforcement tool.

Myth #6: Video Telematics is Only for Large Fleets

Smaller fleets worry that they do not have the bandwidth internally to benefit from video telematics. For e.g., small fleets may not have dedicated safety personnel to take care of coaching. Modern video telematics solutions come in different flavors, for e.g., coaching can be of three kinds – in-cabin coaching for drivers (no involvement of fleet personnel), self-coaching for drivers through mobile apps (minimal involvement of fleet personnel) and in-person coaching (with a fleet manager or safety coach). Depending on the fleet, they can choose what works for them and scale it up over time as needed.The modern video telematics dashboard experience is highly customizable – whether it is one terminal or multi-terminal, whether there is one person to manage everything, or whether the fleet has dedicated personnel in charge of different things.In conclusion, video telematics solutions offer a wide range of benefits to businesses of all sizes. In addition to exoneration in accidents, they provide a way to identify risky driving behavior and offer targeted training and coaching, ultimately reducing the likelihood of incidents and increasing driver safety. They also help businesses save money on insurance premiums and avoid costly legal liabilities. With these advantages, it's clear that video telematics solutions are a powerful tool that can help fleet businesses become safer, more efficient and thus, more successful.Lightmetrics is a leading provider of video telematics solutions that help fleets improve driver safety, reduce accidents and optimize operations. Their RideView platform offers in-cabin coaching, coaching workflows, and on-demand video capabilities. RideView is highly customizable and configurable and is easy to adapt for fleets of all sizes and caters to a variety of use cases.If you are a telematics service provider interested in learning more and want to offer video telematics to your fleet customers, please contact Lightmetrics at to schedule a consultation and someone from our team will get right back to you!